First Steps Education

Learning Outdoors

This is the focal point for exploration and wonder providing for experiences to grow, measure and taste seasonal vegetables in the Vege Garden, nurture local birdlife, dig in the sandpit, paint, hunt or enjoy a picnic.


A quiet, tranquil learning space for children to read and enjoy the wonderful world of books. This space is dedicated to literary experiences with the purpose of fostering a love of books and learning. The children love it and we know you will too.

Digital Literacy

As digital technologies are already intergrated into the day to day lives of our children at home, so too are digital devices such as ipads, laptops and digital audio-visual devices intergrated to support the Preschool curriculum as a means to engage little learners and enhance learning outcomes.


Celebrations and events are a time when children experience working together to create special occasions throughout the year. Children experience meaningful preparations as they brainstorm, plan, rehearse, bake and decorate for an event. We will celebrate Birthdays, Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day), Easter, Summer and Winter Solstice, Spring, Christmas and National and International Days of significance. We warmly invite parents to initiate additional celebrations important in their own culture and tradition.

Are you ready to take your First Steps?

We would love to see your child thrive at First Steps Early Learning Centre.