
You have created such an incredible environment for our kids to grow...

I’ve been blown away with all the staff at First Steps, and highly recommend the centre. They have created such a kind and safe environment for all of the children. And have created such an incredible environment for our kids to grow in all aspects of their development.

Parents Agnes Water

Forever grateful - 2 children & 7 years of care...

Today our son starts “big school”, which means the end of our time at First Steps. It was 7 years ago that we first walked through your doors with our first baby to meet you. It’s safe to say we never left.


We have been shown nothing but care and love – helping our 2 children to grow into the little rockets they are today.


We will be forever grateful to all of you, our family has gained so much from your training, knowledge and care.

Parents Lismore

Adventure play garden and hill at Agnes Water First Steps
Adventure playground at First Steps at Agnes Water QLD

Are you ready to thrive at First Steps?

We would love to see your child thrive at First Steps Early Learning Centres.